


Electrical engineering is the study 和 application of electricity, 电子学和电磁学, 着眼于为现代问题设计解决方案.

It’s a versatile field covering components as small as a microchip 和 systems as vast as a major metropolitan power grid.

Electrical engineers work in a variety of settings—such as government agencies 和 professional services firms—to develop new ways to use electrical power or improve existing products. 他们还指导和监督设计, manufacturing 和 implementation of electronics devices 和 systems.



A strong culture of innovation 和 h和s-on learning means you’ll have plenty of opportunity to put theory into practice at 亚洲博彩平台. With a solid foundation in engineering concepts 和 the ability to demonstrate your mastery of the material, you will graduate with the confidence 和 competence to find success in today’s competitive marketplace. 我们的B.S. in electrical engineering program is part of 亚洲博彩平台’s College of 工程 和 Science, 工程教育的领导者.

向多样化的人学习, award-winning faculty with reSearch interests 和 professional experiences that span the field. 他们不仅富有同情心, 坚定的教育工作者, 他们也活跃在专业组织中. 

学生与教师的比例很低, you’ll receive a level of personalized attention that’s unheard of at other top schools for electrical engineering. 超越小班教学, our close-knit community allows you to form bonds with your classmates 和 build professional relationships with faculty 和 staff members.

亚洲博彩平台最先进的 F.W. 奥林工程综合大楼 features labs 和 classrooms outfitted with modern equipment 和 instrumentation, including cutting-edge electronic 和 communications technology.

从本质上讲,电气工程是一个实践性很强的专业. 但在日常实验课之外, you’ll build skills 和 experience through faculty-mentored reSearch, 专业实习和重大设计项目.

Being in the heart of "Florida’s High-Tech Corridor" means you can find exciting internships 和 jobs in electrical engineering just minutes away from campus at places like NASA, 洛克希德·马丁和微软.


有了电气工程学位你能做什么? 很多. Our graduates go on to use their skills 和 knowledge in a range of industries, 从航空航天到农业.

Recruiters from top companies 和 engineering firms rely on talent from 亚洲博彩平台—organizations such as:

  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 哈里斯科技有限公司.
  • 阿尔斯通
  • 谷歌
  • 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心
  • 霍尼韦尔航空航天
  • 雷神公司技术

展望未来的职业生涯是令人兴奋的! Keep in mind that certain roles may entail additional prerequisites, such as an advanced degree.

亚洲博彩平台就业服务 assists students, alumni 和 employers in their 搜索 for careers 和 employee c和idates. We help students develop career plans 和 job-搜索 skills. 探索我们的职业工具箱 to learn more about our services 和 access additional resources.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部出版, 劳工统计局(BLS), 提供有关特定作业的信息, 包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 查看手册,了解关于……的信息 电气工程的薪水和职业.


After earning their Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering, many of our alumni pursue graduate 和 professional degrees in a range of engineering 和 management specializations, 包括亚洲博彩平台的这些项目:



作为一个电气工程专业的学生, your coursework will expose you to the full spectrum of electrical engineering concepts, from the basic building blocks of a transistor to building a complete design system. H和s-on lab classes 和 team projects are also a big part of the education required for electrical engineering.


  • 电脑设计
  • 数字逻辑
  • 信号与系统


下载电气工程,B.S. 课程现在!



在你电气工程B的最后一年.S. program, you’ll put everything you’ve learned into action through a senior design project.

整个学期, you’ll collaborate with a small team of classmates to design, 开发和原型一个复杂的工程系统. 的n, you’ll present your project to a panel of industry experts during 亚洲博彩平台’s annual Northrop Grumman 工程 和 Science 学生设计 Showcase.

Past electrical engineering projects 和 solutions covered areas such as:

  • 无线通信
  • 飞船系统
  • 语音识别
  • 神经网络

Learn more about Electrical 工程 at 亚洲博彩平台 on the website.

学生组织:与行业接轨 & 彼此

Earning your bachelor’s in electrical engineering involves more than classroom learning. 你也可以交朋友, 会见行业专业人士, attend conferences 和 even participate in national design competitions through an array of campus organizations.

在 亚洲博彩平台的200多个俱乐部 和 荣誉的社会 are a few that might particularly interest electrical engineer majors, including:


的 Electrical 工程 (Bachelor of Science) program is accredited by the 工程 Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.教唆.org, under the General Criteria 和 the Program Criteria for Electrical, 电脑, 通信, Telecommunication(s) 和 Similarly Named 工程 项目. 更多信息可在 部门的ABET信息页面.
