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Gary Anthony Zarillo

Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

Contact Information
(321) 674-7378
Edwin A. Link Building, 251

Educational Background

Ph.D. University of Georgia

BS, MS  Univeristy of Rhode Island

Professional Experience

Dr. Zarillo has an educational background in marine geology, physical oceanography and applied statistics. His professional experience ranges from academic institutions to consulting and industry. He has completed applied and basic research in coastal processes, including prediction of sediment transport in shallow marine and estuarine environments, hydraulics of tidal inlets, dynamics of barrier islands and response of the coast to sea-level rise. He also has extensive experience in the application of statistics to geophysical problems. Current research focus is coastal resiliency.

Current Courses

Courses taught include geological oceanography, environmental geology, coastal processes modeling and  remote sensing.

Selected Publications

Di Ciccio, M.  Zarillo, G.A. Weaver, R. 2022, Resolving Spectral Signatures of Physical Properties in an Estuary   (Modern Environmental Science and Engineering (MESE), (in press)

Rosario-Llantín, JA., Zarillo, G.A. Flushing rates and hydrodynamical characteristics of Mosquito Lagoon (Florida, USA). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).

Zarillo, G.A. Ramos, S. Effinger, K.  Becker, K. Watts, I. Brutsché,K.E. McFall, B.C and Kraft, D.R.2022. Evaluating Cross-shore Sediment Grain Size Distribution, Sediment Transport, and Morphological Evolution of a Nearshore Placement Site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC TR22-5

Di Ciccio,  Zarillo, G.A. Weaver, R. 2022Ph.D, Resolving Spectral Signatures of Physical Properties in an Estuary   (Modern Environmental Science and Engineering (MESE), (in press)

 Rosario-Llantín, JA., Zarillo, G.A. Flushing rates and hydrodynamical characteristics of Mosquito Lagoon (Florida, USA). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).

 Zarillo, G.A. Ramos, S. Effinger, K.  Becker, K. Watts, I. Brutsché,K.E. McFall, B.C and Kraft, D.R.2022. Evaluating Cross-shore Sediment Grain Size Distribution, Sediment Transport, and Morphological Evolution of a Nearshore Placement Site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC TR22-5

Wright, L.D., D’Elia, C., Draayer, J., Nichols, R., Resio, D., Weiss, R., Zarillo, G. et al.  2020. Assessing  and Planning for the Impacts of Storms, Flooding and Sea Level Rise on Vulnerable Gulf of Mexico  Coastal Communities: A White Paper and Program Prospectus. Washington DC, Southeastern  Universities Research Association. 28 pp. http:.// 10.13140/RG.2.2.14809.47201

Zarillo, G.A., 2019.  Interaction Between Tidal Inlet Shoals and Short and Long-Term Sand Budgets on the East Central Florida Coast Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ’19, Tampa, FL. World Scientific Publishing Co.  

 Zarillo, G.A. 2017. Anthropogenic Modification of Barrier Islands for Estuarine Water Quality and Sediment Management. Coastal Dynamics’17 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics

Zarillo, G.A. 2015. Geological Models of Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Sand Resources of The U.S. Inner Continental Shelf. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ‘15 San Diego, CA

 Zarillo,G.A and Zarillo, K.A., 2011. Combining Geological and Numerical Models to Evaluate Sand Resources of the Northeast Florida Inner Continental Shelf. Jour. Coastal Res. 59, 192-201.

Connell, K,J. and Zarillo, G.A., 2011. Model Evaluation of Shoaling and Morphologic Response to Storms at Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York. Jour. Coastal Res. 59, 76-85.

Zarillo, G.A. and J.T. Liu. 1990. Shoreface building and maintenance: The role of tidal inlets. Journal of Coastal Res. 6: 111-120.

Smith, G.L. and Zarillo, G.A., 1990. Calculating Long-Term Shoreline Recession Rates Using Aerial Photographic and Beach Profiling Techniques. Jour. Coastal Res., (6), 111-120.

Zarillo, G.A. and J. Liu, 1988. Resolving components of the upper shoreface of a wave-dominated coast using empirical orthogonal functions. Marine Geology
82: 169-186.

Zarillo, G.A. and M.J. Park, 1987. Prediction of sediment transport in a tide-dominated environment using a numerical model. Journal of Coastal Res. 3: 429-444.

Zarillo, G.A., 1985. Tidal dynamics and substrate response in a salt marsh estuary. Marine Geology 67: 13-35.


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